Georgia 4-H

"To Make the Best Better"

Image of young boy on Jeykll Island

Summer Camp

Georgia 4-H provides many students with the chance to attend a week long summer camp during the 7 week camping season each year. Students are able to sign up with their local counties to attend different camps based on their age range and grade in school. Georgia 4-H is proud to have camps at 5 different centers across the state including Rock Eagle 4-H Center, Fortson 4-H Center, Washega 4-H Center, Tybee Island 4-H Center, and Camp Jekyll Center.

Yearly Events

Georgia 4-H offers a multitude of different events for youth to be engaged in. Each year at the conclusion of the academic year (July) 4-H'ers from around the state will meet in Atlanta for their annual State Congress event so they can work to celebrate each other's achievements over the year.

Image of youth dressed in formal attire at a state wide 4-H Conference

I Pledge: My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service, and My Health to better living for My Club, My Community, My Country and My World.